Friday, March 4, 2016

Vu Tuan Le, Mrs. Ramirez 3, March 3, 2016

Dystopian Short Story
A long time ago in a land far, far away there was a place ruled by spirits. They were the originals that inhabited this land. Many years ago came a race of aliens seeking refuge from their dying planet.
They have found themselves a lush green, healthy planet, unmolested by the natives living there. These natives were of the spirit, coexisting in the physical realm. They loved their home, and cherished its beauty and health. They only desire to maintain the status quo, because it was perfect.
In the beginning the spirits didn’t seem to mind. They welcomed their guests with love and gifts. However, the spirits would leave the Annunaki alone, because the power of the spirit is too overwhelming compared to the capacity of the alien mind. So, they would watch from afar. They observed them day by day, night by night. They wanted to understand these people, because they wanted to find a way to coexist with them.
They found out that the Annunaki were a people of technology and science and they were highly advanced. They quickly started to rebuild, but in the process destroying the land. They had no regards for the wildlife or environment. They proceeded mindlessly, and eventually thought of themselves as ruler of the land.
The spirits however had a plan for this, since they cannot physically move these people from the planet physically they resorted to mental warfare. They also called upon natural devastations and would not stop until the Annunaki would agree to some of the spirits’ policies. The Annunaki had no choice but to agree.
Soon enough all the population of Annunakis had a chip implanted into their right arm. This was said to improve their lives, it was like an identification card. However, it also unlocked a part of the mind that allowed the spirits to channel through to achieve mind control.
The spirits now have full control over the population, but since they cannot control every single person they set up a system that would make the people deceive themselves.
The spirits erased all thoughts and beliefs and implanted a whole new set of equations. The people would now believe everything is okay when it really wasn’t. They would think they were free because they were told that they were free. They believed everything and anything they were told. Their society seemed perfect and they believed it was.
Only a select few, that were good and pure was able to comprehend this, but society would not even bother to listen. For to them their words was blasphemy.

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