Friday, March 4, 2016

Dystopian Short Story by: Giselle Alvarez and Gerardo Aragones

Dystopian Short Story
It was the year 2068 and everything was managed by a man named Juan Pablo De La Rosa-Martinez. He was planning on taking over the world, at that point of time, he was only in charge of South America. His skills resembled Hitlers', except slightly more maleficent. Also, several technological innovations were available to him. Juan Pablo did not allow people to know what the rest of the world was like. This tactic furthered his success as a dictator over South America. He used propaganda to promote his way of living. Propogana such as: Mondongo Sopa Monday, Taco Tuesday, Watermelon Wednesday, Torta Thursday, Frijoles Charros Friday, Sandwich Saturday, and Spring Roll Sunday. There was no way around the meals, either you ate it or go hungry for a day. You could only shower once a day and be inside your house at a certain time.
The life in South America was like being in jail in another country. The people of South America were treated as animals. Juan Pablo viewed the south americans as his pets. However, the problem was that the people were accustomed to this certain way of living. They had no televisions to show them how the rest of the world was living. While they lived in misery, ISIS had come to peace with the United States. Now the war was between the U.S and Juan Pablo. ISIS had allied with the U.S, but Juan Pablo had training hours for his people. From 2pm-4pm, seven days a week, they had combat practice. Once a week, usually on Wednesdays he took everyone from above the age of fourteen to a shooting range to practice their aim with foreign weapons, from throwing knives to bazookas.
Everyone wore navy blue polyster combat uniforms with shiny rubber boots. They all dyed their hair flaming hot red with blonde highlights, with a chili-bowl haircut. It was mandatory to wake up everyday at 5am and run two miles and swim three miles. If you were not fit enough for the war then you would die training. Juan did not care that he lost people everyday because his militia was too big to die out.He had certain males and females set aside in an imprisonment specifically to reproduce the future military with the best genes possible. The U.S. had no competition.

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