Friday, March 4, 2016

(AH 2nd Period)

Success Story
My brother had a major profound effect in my life. It was his struggle that set the foundation for my success. At first glance, a single circumstance may seem unable to have an everlasting effect on a person. However, given the right time, place, or purpose, it has the ability to redirect an individual’s entire mindset. Occasionally, the outcome of a situation can be infallibly good, only adding to one's acquired success, while a bad circumstance can act nothing more than a devil on your conscious. Events `like this lurk deep beneath the shadows of society and are notorious for deterring great minds, ruining aspirations, and crippling the faiths of many, especially in the African American community. On the other hand, it is these very situations that if overcome, can push an individual beyond the normal level of mental maturity, instinctively enhancing a sense of purpose, self discipline, values, caring for others, and most importantly independence.

Many struggles, commonly the lose of a father, or lack of financial stability are known to of deterred several from reaching their utmost potential. However, these were not that challenges I faced. I faced the fear of defeat knowing that I had family and friends relying on me to be successful in sports and academics. My brother didn't only encourage me, he also instilled in me to be thankful for what I have and don't have without saying anything. It means everything to me to get my degree and excel into the next level of life, taking and showing my brother things and places he dreamed of going, but couldn't achieve them because of health issues. Seeing someone work so hard for something and it get taken away from the encourages me to push harder for the people the don't have a chance to achieve their goal.

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