Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dystopian Story "Hollow Creek"

8:00 a.m, the alarm set off and loud and clear. It was sound you hear every Thursday. Would you like to know what it means? Sacrifice time. I know you’re probably wondering what the heck I mean by “sacrifice”. Well basically every Thursday the town alarm rings and all families of Hollow Creek got up and headed out to the ballpark. There we had to put the names of our parents in a gigantic jar. Now you’re probably wondering why we had to do that. Well there is a rule in Hollow Creek and that rule is the parents of a child between 12 and 16 had to go battle each other for their life. They have to go at it for 2 days and in those 2 days if no one killed each other, then the “Big Bad Wolf Men”, took the child and murdered her and made the parents watch.
So yeah, it’s now Thursday and once again I am “sacrificing” my parents. Now mind you this is my last year because I am 16. But that doesn’t mean this year won’t be the year my parents fight for their life and mine.

Around 9:45 a.m, the “Big Bad Wolf Men” appeared to gather and read out the victims. Mary Ann Jones and Jeffery Lee Jones. I looked up with about 30 different types of confusion on my face. My heart started beat out of my chest. I then turned to look at my parents. They were in complete shock. Those were the names of my parents! I already knew what was about to happen. The guards came to take them and all I could do was stand there and watch. They tied both of my parents hands and put a plastic bag over their heads, put them in a helicopter and left.

Ashunti M. (8th Period)

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