Thursday, March 3, 2016

Queen B

The alarm starts to buzz. With anger in my eyes, I awake to see big beautiful eyes on a poster above my head, staring at me. The eyes belong to Beyonce, the leader of Uglion, and when I roll I see another poster staring at me.

I finally rise out of bed and begin my daily routine, eat my breakfast, put on my work clothes, and head out of the door. In Uglion, looking up from the sidewalk was banned, and if you were caught you were taken to Area 27. I have little information about what happens at Area 27, but I hear it is far from pretty, which is more important than the water we drink. If you do not with hold the beautiful standard the B-police will take you away and you will never be seen again.

My job was hair care products, I made and tested the products on the models that volunteered to come in. I had a short amount of models come in today, because today was check up day. B-police raided places of residency, and whatever they found that was ugly or whoever they saw with flaws on or around them, were taken to Area 27. I began to apply to shampoos to my models heads when one in particular sent shivers down my spine. She was beautiful, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but I had to keep these ideas to myself. It was illegal to have a girlfriend, to go on dates, and most importantly to make love.

How do we re-populate? Every nine months Beyonce chose a suitor to impregnate her. The suitor later was sent to Area 27 for losing his virginity. After testing the models hair and taking photos, I paid them and sent them on their way. 

I held a beautiful woman and asked for her name. With so much grace and with such a soft tone she said, "Rihanna". I expressed my feelings towards her and right then and there arose a beautiful, yet dangerous romance. We met secretly day to day until the day Beyonce chose me. The van arrived in front of my house and took me to Beyonce’s palace. When night fell, we slept together and I was immediately moved to Area 27. I fell in love with Rihanna and Beyonce, but I'll be dead before I can tell the story.

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