Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Shelby Symbolism

The party symbolizes the control over the people and how the people fear the government. The eye represents how the party watches everyone move for any sign of disloyalty where even a tiny facial twitch could result in an arrest.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Symbolism of the Thrush Bird in "1984"

Orwell displayed the beauty of freedom through the songs of the thrush and its peacefulness.
Xavier lattimore

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dystopina Short Story by: W.E.

Corruption in the Halls
You could hear the ear shattering scream of a puny freshmen as he tumbled down the stairs. The cracking of his fragile bones was followed by the menacing laughter of the senior football jock as he mockingly sauntered down the stairs to his prey. It was the time for Expel, a day to cleanse the school of the weak, uneducated, and the lowest scum of the school. This day was proclaimed thirty five years ago. They felt that eliminating the weak would raise test schools. That slaughtering students would make the school look better. It started as just a way to raise test scores but it turned into a day of revenge and hatred. Everyone had to participate, no exceptions.  Four hours, and all students were stuck together in one school. No weapons, no rules, no power, only school supplies. Doesn’t seem like it could do much damage, but in the hands of a terrified student a shoelace could be the difference in lying in a pool of your own blood, or walking out a free man.
Mortis closed his eyes. He didn’t want to see another death. One final blood curdling scream and the halls went silent. When he was sure the jock had fled Mortis dropped from his hiding place in the air vent. Two hours stuffed in a tight metal coffin had made him stiff.The Expel only lasted four hours but so many people were already sprawled on the floor. Two hours to go, two hours and he will have survived his third Expel. He never thought high school would be this hard. He figured test and reports would be the death of him not other students.
He slowly crept down the hall listening for the sounds of footprints. At any second a horde of seniors could charge his way. The seniors seemed to run together, picking off those under them. They mostly preyed on the fishes but every once in awhile they liked to pick off a junior to assert their dominance. Two hours, two more hours, that’s all he needed. Don’t make a sound. He slowly crawled to the water fountains to get a drink and returned to his hiding post. As he was climbing up he heard it. The stomp of a group of seniors charging his way. It was a large group, maybe six or seven, and they had spotted him. Just as he was about to disappear a strong hand grasped on to his frail ankle and yanked violently. He was sent flying to the floor. The air was knocked out of his lungs as his back smacked against the cold floor.
“Oh look a little junior!” A large senior sneered, patting the head of a weak freshman being held as a hostage, he lowered his face close to Mortis. His breathe smelled like rancid meat and he desperately needed a shower.
“Awww he thinks he’s getting out of here!” His boisterous laugh echoed, rattling the halls. His laughter stopped. His head slowly turned towards the puny little prey lying on the ground. He lowered his voice so quietly you would think no one would have heard.
“Get him.”
Oh they heard that quiet command and within seconds they were on him, kicking and clawing as he tried to scramble away. As they kicked him his life flashed before his eyes. He had always hated the Expel. He never wanted to participate but it was mandatory. They did this. They turned a school of normal teenagers into a group of bloodthirsty savages. They decided that test scores were more important than the lives of their students and they turned away each year as we ripped each other apart. Every blow made his vision go darker, till he could no longer see. His hearing slowly faded and the pain lessened. He had made it through three Expels, and as his head crashes to the floor for the last time he smiled. It was over. He would never have to play in their games again. It was over. He was safe.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Vu Tuan Le, Mrs. Ramirez 3, March 3, 2016

Dystopian Short Story
A long time ago in a land far, far away there was a place ruled by spirits. They were the originals that inhabited this land. Many years ago came a race of aliens seeking refuge from their dying planet.
They have found themselves a lush green, healthy planet, unmolested by the natives living there. These natives were of the spirit, coexisting in the physical realm. They loved their home, and cherished its beauty and health. They only desire to maintain the status quo, because it was perfect.
In the beginning the spirits didn’t seem to mind. They welcomed their guests with love and gifts. However, the spirits would leave the Annunaki alone, because the power of the spirit is too overwhelming compared to the capacity of the alien mind. So, they would watch from afar. They observed them day by day, night by night. They wanted to understand these people, because they wanted to find a way to coexist with them.
They found out that the Annunaki were a people of technology and science and they were highly advanced. They quickly started to rebuild, but in the process destroying the land. They had no regards for the wildlife or environment. They proceeded mindlessly, and eventually thought of themselves as ruler of the land.
The spirits however had a plan for this, since they cannot physically move these people from the planet physically they resorted to mental warfare. They also called upon natural devastations and would not stop until the Annunaki would agree to some of the spirits’ policies. The Annunaki had no choice but to agree.
Soon enough all the population of Annunakis had a chip implanted into their right arm. This was said to improve their lives, it was like an identification card. However, it also unlocked a part of the mind that allowed the spirits to channel through to achieve mind control.
The spirits now have full control over the population, but since they cannot control every single person they set up a system that would make the people deceive themselves.
The spirits erased all thoughts and beliefs and implanted a whole new set of equations. The people would now believe everything is okay when it really wasn’t. They would think they were free because they were told that they were free. They believed everything and anything they were told. Their society seemed perfect and they believed it was.
Only a select few, that were good and pure was able to comprehend this, but society would not even bother to listen. For to them their words was blasphemy.

Dystopian Short Story by: Giselle Alvarez and Gerardo Aragones

Dystopian Short Story
It was the year 2068 and everything was managed by a man named Juan Pablo De La Rosa-Martinez. He was planning on taking over the world, at that point of time, he was only in charge of South America. His skills resembled Hitlers', except slightly more maleficent. Also, several technological innovations were available to him. Juan Pablo did not allow people to know what the rest of the world was like. This tactic furthered his success as a dictator over South America. He used propaganda to promote his way of living. Propogana such as: Mondongo Sopa Monday, Taco Tuesday, Watermelon Wednesday, Torta Thursday, Frijoles Charros Friday, Sandwich Saturday, and Spring Roll Sunday. There was no way around the meals, either you ate it or go hungry for a day. You could only shower once a day and be inside your house at a certain time.
The life in South America was like being in jail in another country. The people of South America were treated as animals. Juan Pablo viewed the south americans as his pets. However, the problem was that the people were accustomed to this certain way of living. They had no televisions to show them how the rest of the world was living. While they lived in misery, ISIS had come to peace with the United States. Now the war was between the U.S and Juan Pablo. ISIS had allied with the U.S, but Juan Pablo had training hours for his people. From 2pm-4pm, seven days a week, they had combat practice. Once a week, usually on Wednesdays he took everyone from above the age of fourteen to a shooting range to practice their aim with foreign weapons, from throwing knives to bazookas.
Everyone wore navy blue polyster combat uniforms with shiny rubber boots. They all dyed their hair flaming hot red with blonde highlights, with a chili-bowl haircut. It was mandatory to wake up everyday at 5am and run two miles and swim three miles. If you were not fit enough for the war then you would die training. Juan did not care that he lost people everyday because his militia was too big to die out.He had certain males and females set aside in an imprisonment specifically to reproduce the future military with the best genes possible. The U.S. had no competition.

(AH 2nd Period)

Success Story
My brother had a major profound effect in my life. It was his struggle that set the foundation for my success. At first glance, a single circumstance may seem unable to have an everlasting effect on a person. However, given the right time, place, or purpose, it has the ability to redirect an individual’s entire mindset. Occasionally, the outcome of a situation can be infallibly good, only adding to one's acquired success, while a bad circumstance can act nothing more than a devil on your conscious. Events `like this lurk deep beneath the shadows of society and are notorious for deterring great minds, ruining aspirations, and crippling the faiths of many, especially in the African American community. On the other hand, it is these very situations that if overcome, can push an individual beyond the normal level of mental maturity, instinctively enhancing a sense of purpose, self discipline, values, caring for others, and most importantly independence.

Many struggles, commonly the lose of a father, or lack of financial stability are known to of deterred several from reaching their utmost potential. However, these were not that challenges I faced. I faced the fear of defeat knowing that I had family and friends relying on me to be successful in sports and academics. My brother didn't only encourage me, he also instilled in me to be thankful for what I have and don't have without saying anything. It means everything to me to get my degree and excel into the next level of life, taking and showing my brother things and places he dreamed of going, but couldn't achieve them because of health issues. Seeing someone work so hard for something and it get taken away from the encourages me to push harder for the people the don't have a chance to achieve their goal.

Dystopian by: JM (3rd Period)

Winter Surprise

Darkness grew over the fragile towers as the evening progressed. There was silence through the white covered roads of Seoul. It’s been months since the war with Europe. No one expected the attack, leaving many dead and everything partially destroyed. Europe overpowered South Korea in attempts to change its society. This once beautiful, bright city became a nightmare.
The wind blew frosty whips to Soonyoung’s exposed skin. He was one of the unfortunate people to have survived. He walked down the empty sidewalks with minimal clothing on him, memories flowing in his mind as he passed by shops and restaurants he once remembered. Walking around the lively graveyard was the only thing he could do if he wanted to “explore”. He was tracked wherever he went, so if he crossed any borders that were forbidden, he would be taking a “visit” to the guards immediately with no chance of defending himself.
Soonyoung grew weary of the complete silence and decided to head back to the dome. The dome was housing made for the South Koreans. They were given a schedule of when and what they can do in those hours. Soonyoung always walked outside of the dome because he felt as if the dome was too depressing to be in. Outside the dome was the only thing close to freedom.
As silent as the town was, Soonyoung was alone to only hear the trail of footprints he left behind. His memory walk was cut by a sharp sound, like a cry for help. He listened further as he continued to follow the noise. The cry slowly died as Soonyoung got closer. He was hesitant to look past the corner on the other side, but he was curious to know. Soonyoung sneaked to the edge of the wall, peering over the side with one eye. It was enough for him to see what he wished he didn’t. His eyes landed on the large dark red puddle spreading into the snow. It was blood, but from what? He heard rustling from his right. Afraid to look, he stood frozen. The rustling sound continued to come closer and closer to him, Was this Soonyoung’s last breath?
Accepting what could happen to him, he looked towards to sound to only find darkness. Something was hiding from him. He took a deep breath and saw the opportunity to run away. As he ran, his footsteps weren’t the only thing he heard, he was sure it was following him. Soonyoung was afraid to turn around, so he continued running. He had no idea where he was, but he needed to get away. He took a sharp turn into an abandoned shop and hid behind the broken shelves. He listened as the footsteps grew louder. He peeked through the broken shelves to see a dark figure slowly stopping in front of the shop. He held his breath as he studied the shape. Luckily, it wasn’t a beast, but a person. It was too dark to outline what they looked like, but he was sure they had a yellow wristband and a large backpack. The yellow wristband stood out to Soonyoung, as if he was suppose to remember something.
The figure stood in silence as Soonyoung watched. The person turned around and walked back. The sound of their footsteps disappeared. Soongyoung glanced outside the shop to check if it was clear. He stepped out slowly, only to be greeted by a sky attack. Soonyoung tried as hard as he can to regain his strength from being pushed down roughly. The attacker slowly got up. Soonyoung glanced up to see the yellow wristband. He couldn’t believe what he saw. His gaze slowly looked up further as he was still on the ground. Soonyoung’s eye shot wide as he had a clear sight of their face. Both of their eyes met. In front of Soonyoung was his older brother, Sungjoo. “Soonyoung, I’ve been looking for you, you need to come with me”, he said as he grabbed Soonyoung’s wrist. Soonyoung was in complete shock to respond or fight back. He thought he was the only one in his family who survived the war, but standing before him was Sungjoo, completely alive. Sungjoo dragged Soonyoung, not saying a single word. Questions ran through Soonyoung’s head. How did Sungjoo survive? Where was he all this time?
There was a feeling of strong tension between them, and Sungjoo sensed it. “I know you are thinking how am I here”, he stopped and turned to face Soonyoung ,”I was hidden underground during the war, no one was aware of the underground tunnels. I didn’t have enough time to get you and the rest of the family during the war and for that I am deeply sorry that you suffered through these long years of pain”. Soonyoung couldn’t believe what he was hearing, He suffered through the tragic attack to only see his family die before him and Sungjoo was nowhere to be seen. Soonyoung only replied with a hard strike to Sungjoo’s cheek, pushing him to the ground. He aggressively spoke, “HOW DARE YOU COME BACK WITH ONLY SAYING THAT TO ME!?” Sungjoo rubbed his bruised cheek and watched Soonyoung staring down at him. “I suffered in this graveyard of innocent souls only to have my freedom and family taken away from me, and you suddenly come back and need me?”, Soonyoung took small steps passed his brother. Sungjoo didn’t reply, but watched. “Not a chance in hell.” Alarms rang as bright lights flashed around them. Soonyoung triggered a borderline, knowing what’s coming. “If I suffered, you’ll suffer as well.”