Saturday, February 27, 2016
Freedom and enslavement by: Huy Uyen,Gary,Brandon
In 1984 the prisoners represent how the party uses the war to take control of the masses. Their faces are described as "sad" twice, "mournful" eyes and "nests" of the hair, "dirty, bearded, and exhausted". Using "nests" to describe the hair makes it ironic because birds are generally seen as the symbol of freedom.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Freedom and Enslavement Part 2 Chapter 1 By: Su Nguyen & Reem B (7th)
Freedom and enslavement is a recurring theme in the novel "1984". Winston is very cautious about how the dangerous it is to be caught doing something wrong. He is concerned that The Thought Police will find out that he's falling in love with Julia . Winston doesn't like the society he lives in. He wants to make his own choices , be himself, and does not want to hide his feeling. He wants to live in a society where he can freely do what he wants to and he wants to show his feeling to Julia without getting into trouble.
Personal Rebellion, Part 2 Chapter 1.
"For some reason the telescreen in the living room was in an unusual position. Instead of being placed, as was normal, in the end wall, where it could command the whole room, it was in the longer wall, opposite the window. To one side of it there was a shallow alcove in which Winston was now sitting, and which, when the flats were built, had probably been intended to hold bookshelves. By sitting in the alcove, and keeping well back, Winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, so far as sight went. He could be heard, of course, but so long as he stayed in his present position he could not be seen. It was partly the unusual geography of the room that had suggested to him the thing that he was now about to do. (1.1.12)"
Winston starts a journal of rebellious thoughts as a first step towards his eventual fate at the Ministry of Love.
Savannah Morales
Period 7
February 26, 2016
Winston starts a journal of rebellious thoughts as a first step towards his eventual fate at the Ministry of Love.
Savannah Morales
Period 7
February 26, 2016
De'Miere Butler
Eduardo Torres
period: 7th
Personal Rebellion 1984
Winston's diary is his way of rebellion. The acts of buying and writing
in the diary are thoughtcrime, punishable by death if discovered. A constricted environment
the suppression from most human instincts such as love, luxury, intellectually & critical thinking, I believe, changes everything. The restriction form freedom obscures the essential need to survive. I think that this would be compromised because Winston was never really exposed to these sorts of feelings.
Winston's thoughts constantly wander towaards some of the only memories of his mother. he speaks about his mother compassion that he rejected and abused. She loved him unconditionally, and he used her.
Eduardo Torres
period: 7th
Personal Rebellion 1984
Winston's diary is his way of rebellion. The acts of buying and writing
in the diary are thoughtcrime, punishable by death if discovered. A constricted environment
the suppression from most human instincts such as love, luxury, intellectually & critical thinking, I believe, changes everything. The restriction form freedom obscures the essential need to survive. I think that this would be compromised because Winston was never really exposed to these sorts of feelings.
Winston's thoughts constantly wander towaards some of the only memories of his mother. he speaks about his mother compassion that he rejected and abused. She loved him unconditionally, and he used her.
How does technology evoke fear in Winston and Julia? Khoi Pham, Alberto Luna, Jordan Carranza
The Party evokes fear through technology by placing telescreens and microphones all across Oceania. Big Brother and The Thought police were always lurking around to find those not falling in line with the law, This advanced technology is difficult for Winston and Julia to maneuver around. The technology Oceania uses brainwashes everyone to believe what is not true and if you go against it, there is a fear of being vaporized. Winston and Julia exchange notes but they're afraid of getting caught by the thought police. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU!
DeJuan Bolden, Michelle Soulachack
Personal Rebellion
Winston is fearful of his infatuation with Julia because he is developing lustful feelings for her. Due to the society that he is surrounded, there are rules and if anyone finds out about his affection of Julia then he can be killed. Julia and Winston would get together secretly but then Winston found out that she was sleeping around with other people even though it was forbidden in the party. They rebelled through sex and they are force to married their current spouse even if they love them or not. Julia rebels not for the reason that Winston rebels, it's just for the sake of rebelling.
In part two chapter one winston is psychologically manipulated by big brother is because he still thinks that big brother is going to find him and kill him. He also thinks that the past will manipulate him from the thoughts in 1984.Through out the rest of the book the questions winston ask himself will haunt him. Winston also does not believe that big brother is real
Physical Manipulation Part 2 Chapter 1
Physical Manipulation Part 2 Chapter 1
Winston was shy to about seeing Julia because of his sexual reactions and lustful thoughts towards her , You could die for having lustful thoughts toward another person.
Daniel Afungia, Abraham Molina
Theme of Physical Control
By: Eddie Garcia, Lexus Rodriguez, Duyen Le
In the George Orwell 1984, Winston has a party that constantly watches for any sign of disloyalty. As Winston observes, even a tiny facial twitch can lead to an arrest. He basically controls the party.
A Freedom and Enslavement/Free Will By Joseph Khong and Lynna Nguyen
A Freedom and Enslavement/Free Will
In Orwell's 1984 the set is in Oceania, a totalitarian state that is ruled by a god-like leader name Big Brother who completely controls the citizens down to their very own thoughts. Anyone who thinks rebellious thoughts are turned in by spies or Big Brother, who monitors them through highly sensitive telescreens. People are considered guilty of Facecrime if someone does not have the proper facial expression, so all facial expression are carefully guarded. It is also possible to commit thoughtcrime by being overheard when talking in their sleep, which Winston Smith is scared that he will do; it happened to his neighbor Tom Parsons. Freedom only exist in the proletarian ghetto, where crime and hunger is common. Winstons feels like he can't live in the ghetto, even though his life is almost as horrid as the ghetto dwellers.
The punishment for minor crimes are severe, yet people still break the law. The Party know that people naturally want to have sex, form of love bonding, and think for themselves instead of accepting unquestionably whatever the totalitarian government tells them. As long as people choose to exercise the freedom of free will, the Party must be very attentive against crime and make their punishment severe in order to keep in control.
Theme of Technology Part 2 Chapter 1 "1984"
By: Brittany Cormier, Amondre Meankins, Amir Belk (5th)
The telescreen is a form of technology used in the novel 1984. In part 2 chapter 1 , they planned to meet in Victory Square. They were afraid that they would be seen and raise suspicions because they were surrounded by telescreens.
The telescreen is a form of technology used in the novel 1984. In part 2 chapter 1 , they planned to meet in Victory Square. They were afraid that they would be seen and raise suspicions because they were surrounded by telescreens.
Julia (1984)
Julia is a dark-haired, twenty-six-year-old employed as a machine operator in the Fiction Department at the Ministry of truth. She is Winston's lover and his ally in the struggle against Big Brother. Julia is against the Party's doctrines, yet she wants to break the rules.
Per: 5th
Per: 5th
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Winston PART 2 CHAPTER 1
He is scared about the letter with that three word "I love you" from Julia. He is afraid that Big Brother will find out and he might get in trouble.
Hoa Nguyen (4th Period)
Hoa Nguyen (4th Period)
Winston Part 2 Chapter 1
Winston feels that he is different from everyone else. He has thoughts that the goverment does not want him to have. He has feelings for Julia but everything is falling apart emotion by emotion.
Tyvion Campbell, Perry Azazi (4th Period)
Julia - 1984
Julia is hedonistic, practical, and generally gratified to make the best in her life and live in the moment. Julia is more anxious to takes pleasure in sex and making empirical plans to avoid getting seized by the Party. Winston and Julia share a mutual sexual desire, hatred of the party, and have a common goal to rebel against "Big Brother". Aside from that, their traits are quite divergent from one another, if not opposite.
by Khelat W. Tahir and Stephanie Mendoza
25 February 2016
Period 4
What is going on with Winston in Part 2, Chapter 1?
Winston is consumed with finding a way to meet Julia. He is afraid of Julia because his feelings for her could get him into trouble with the Party.
Charrity McFarlin Akosa Mora 4th Period
Charrity McFarlin Akosa Mora 4th Period
Winston Part 2 Ch. 1
Winston seems to be confused about the letter from Julia. He is worried that Big Brother is going to find out and he is going to get in trouble. He also doesn't know how to feel about the note.
Brik Hogue P.2
Ivory Asagwara
Taurin Wenze-Lewis
Winston is very fearful by the girl's three words stating "I Love You". Showing too much interest would've resulted in danger, yet Winston couldn't resist reading it again. He felt the need to get in contact with the girl because she was probably trying to send a message.
1984 Winston Description Brandon, Nikolas, Kelly, Duong, Juan, Zuleima
He does not like rats.
He likes to wonder about things going on in the world.
He hates "The Party".
He is rebellious and is fatalist (all event are predetermined).
He distrusts the events and appearances around him.
Winston likes to think about reflect the events happening and try to pin-point how Big Brother and the Party have made it happen. He is one of the few that know about the Party's manipulation of events and that they basically brainwash everyone into thinking they are in a utopian world. He takes risk because he think he will be vaporized anyway because of the way he thinks and questions things.
1984 Winston
Winston is a very confused individual and is scared of the girl he hates. He is trying to get in contact with her, but is struggling.When he receives the letter from Julia that says "I Love You" the fear escalates. Winston doesn't have any physical attraction to Julia, but is happy that she's around. He does not like the way the government is being run.
Robie Mays, Prince Emodi, Tope Imade, Tony Cardosa, Daniel Ponce(p3)
Robie Mays, Prince Emodi, Tope Imade, Tony Cardosa, Daniel Ponce(p3)
Winston Smith (1984) Autumn,Gabriel,Joann
Winston Smith is a low-ranking Oceania. He's rebellious to the Party and resents the suppression of his individuality. He is also thoughtful and intellectual. When facing Julia, he's confused with his feelings toward the girl he hated, he is not sure how to respond to the paper given to him.
Winston Part 2 Chapter 1
Winston is confused and scared by the girl he hated. After he reads the words "I love you" that came from her that hatred turns more into fear. He struggles to try and make contact with her.
Maria, Jaylon, Giselle, and Joel (2nd)
Maria, Jaylon, Giselle, and Joel (2nd)
Angel Rodriguez, Andrew Cruz, Ryan Ngo, Joey Manyrath, lorraine alden, Kevin Nguyen period 2
Julia is falling in love with Winston. Sh feels deep emotions for Winston without any remorse or thought of digression. She wants him to know that shes is in love with him.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Winston Smith is the main character of the 1984. He doesn't like the way the government operates.
By: Javen (8th)
By: Javen (8th)
Emmanuel Goldstein another figure who exerts an influence on the novel without ever appearing in it. According to the party, Goldstein is the legendary leader of the brotherhood. He seems to have been a party leader who fell out of favor with the regime. In any case, the party describes him as the most dangerous and treacherous man in Oceania.
Ashunti Miller, Per.8
Julia was born in 1958.5 in Oceania, the super-state combining North America, South America, Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom (renamed Airstrip One). Her knowledge of events before the revolution is inaccurate as her grandfather, the only close source to her with that knowledge, disappeared when she was eight. Julia integrated herself into the daily life of Oceania early, becoming an especially zealous propagandist for the Junior Anti-Sex League, the Two Minutes Hate and Community Centre. In truth, she despises the Party and wants to join the Brotherhood, an outlawed organisation supposedly founded by Emmanuel Goldstein. She had her first affair with a Party member at the age of sixteen.
Laura Noyola. Per.8

Big brother is the face of the party, the leader behind the great power. The face of the Party, Big brother acts as reassurance and a trustworthy. The best part is that we never come to confirm his actual existence. He might not even be real.
Juan A. & Vini A. & Michael J. Per.8
A fat, obnoxious, and dull Party member who lives near Winston and works at the Ministry of Truth. He has a dull wife and a group of suspicious, ill-mannered children who are members of the Junior Spies. Emmanuel Goldstein - Another figure who exerts an influence on the novel without ever appearing in it.
Mr.Charrington Character analysis 8th period by Jaime Barba
Julia Character Analysis
Kora Nehls
Julia is a 26 year old woman who works in the fictional department with Winston. She is rebellious behind society's back and in a way that is sneaky. She is more rooted in the present and has a will of her own that she conceals from society.
Julia is a 26 year old woman who works in the fictional department with Winston. She is rebellious behind society's back and in a way that is sneaky. She is more rooted in the present and has a will of her own that she conceals from society.
Christian Hughes
Mrs. Ramirez
English IV
7th Period
Character Analysis of Winston Smith
Winston Smith is the protagonist of the Novel, and the person who's eyes we see the world of 1984 through. He is a good citizen of Oceania but at the beginning of the novel, he starts to think more openly than the government would want. Winston is different than most in the totalitarian society because he is an actual individual and has extreme self-determination. Winston supports democracy over totalitarianism and dictatorship, and has many values of a civilized society.
Mrs. Ramirez
English IV
7th Period
Character Analysis of Winston Smith
Winston Smith is the protagonist of the Novel, and the person who's eyes we see the world of 1984 through. He is a good citizen of Oceania but at the beginning of the novel, he starts to think more openly than the government would want. Winston is different than most in the totalitarian society because he is an actual individual and has extreme self-determination. Winston supports democracy over totalitarianism and dictatorship, and has many values of a civilized society.
Syme character analysis by: Huy Trinh,DeJuan Bolden,Brandon Gutierrez,gary stewart
Syme- An intelligent, outgoing man who works with Winston at the Ministry of Truth. Syme specializes in language. As the novel opens, he is working on an new edition of the newspeak dictionary.Winston believes syme is too intelligent to stay in the party favor.
Julia is a 26 year old,and she's a free spirited rebel who's relationship is the backbone of the story in 1984. She works in the fiction department in Oceania's ministry of truth and is the lover to Winston Smith. Unlike her lover Winston, Julia is practical in her mindset, worried about the here and now and opposed to worrying about her future. She's somewhat rebellious, but in a passive-aggressive sort of way. This rebellion is partly what makes her so compelling to Winston, but also what makes her so dangerous, since their relationship would be illegal due to its representation of free will in Oceania's Totalitarian society. 
su nguyen character analysis
Winston Smith is 39 year old man who works as a records department at the ministry of truth, he hates and group exercise. he has an itchy swollen ulcer on his leg and he likes to write. the writer wanted winston to be a relatable with someone. the writer wanted to help us see ourselves to be in his shoe and how he went through. winston loves to drink , smoking cigarette, winston has a diary, winston lover is julia.
Big Brother - character analysis 7th period, Khoi Pham, Alberto Luna, Steven Durrell
Big Brother
A never existed character in the 1984 story, he perceived as the ruler of Oceania. Everywhere Winston looks he sees image of Big Brother's face with the message that said :"Big Brother is watching you." His image is everywhere, even on posters, coins, and the telescreens; it haunts Winston's life and fills him with hatred and fascination.
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